Our Senior Pastors — King's Church Windsor, Slough & Maidenhead

Pastor Wes Richards

Wes Richards is the Senior Pastor of King's Church International in Windsor, a church of 600 people representing over 50 nationalities. 

KCI has branches in London and in Robertson, South Africa. 

Pastor Wes is the author of the book Hope and a Future: A story of love, loss and living again, published by Monarch Books and available online.

With a foreword by ex cabinet minister Jonathan Aitken, it is described as ‘profoundly moving’  by Nicky Gumbel, head of the Alpha movement.

In 2012 Pastor Wes founded the King’s House School Windsor, an independent pre-school and primary school for children aged 3-11.

His Master of Theology degree with Brunel University was entitled: ‘An examination of the growth of the global Holy Spirit movement.’ 

The non-denominational King’s Church International was started in 1943, by Pastor Billy Richards an ex-Welsh coal miner and father of pastor Wes. 

Pastor Wes, was formally a journalist on the Slough Observer and the West London Evening Mail.

He married his Colombian wife Adriana six years ago after 14 years as a widower following the death from cancer of his first wife of 29 years.

Between them they have six children and fifteen grandchildren.




In 2016, Pastor Wes experienced another phase in his story as he met Adriana in Bogota, Colombia. Pastor Wes proposed to Adriana in the Colombian city of Cartagena on the Caribbean coast and was married at a beautiful ceremony in Miami, Florida in June.

The couple returned to the UK in September and have since begun their global ministry as a couple, including in Colombia, the UK, Israel, the Philippines, South Africa, and Singapore.

The senior pastors are also senior pastors of King’s Church International in Robertson, South Africa. This multiracial church that meets at The Showground in the centre of Robertson.

On October 11 2020, Pastors Wes and Adriana started King’s Church International, London, an English and Spanish speaking congregation in the Emmanuel Centre, Westminster.



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Pastor Wes published Hope and a Future in 2012. 

Hope And A Future is Pastor Wes Richards' memoir of 'love, loss and living again,’ telling the story of how his family recovered from great sadness after the death of his wife Carol from cancer in 2002.

After Carol’s death, the three Richards children, Wesley, James and Melody met and then married two sisters and a brother from the same South African family.

Pastor Wes Richards now has 15 grandchildren; nine boys and six girls.

I could never have foreseen how our story would unfold after so much sadness. When we were at our lowest moments we found that our story was not over. Far from it. Your story is not over either.
— Pastor Wes