About Us — King's Church Windsor, Slough & Maidenhead

About The Church

We’re a church that follows Jesus and His Word, The Bible.

We love God, love people, and love life. We believe in people and in their potential. We want to build a church where people can be part of God’s family and where together we can positively transform society and influence the world for good.

King’s Church International is a multi-generational family with people from all ages and stages of life with people from more than 50 nations represented.


Church life

We meet altogether as a church each week at our Sunday Services but also meet throughout the week in smaller groups across Slough, Windsor, Maidenhead and the Thames Valley. Small groups give an opportunity to meet new friends, read and discuss the Bible, pray and experience how God's love can change lives.

If you would like to join a group please email groups@kcionline.org or visit the groups page here.


Throughout the year we run several conferences which are times to meet as a church family, grow in faith and build for the future. We have our annual church conference as well as separate conferences for Men, Women, youth, and young adults. Find all of the details on the conference page here.


As a church we seek to serve our local community. We are pleased to support parents, couples and individuals at all stages of life with pre-marriage, marriage, and parenting courses run in the small groups year-round.

Recent community initiatives have also included debt counselling & support, contributions to the Windsor food share scheme, sending over 200 gift packages to local troops serving on the frontline and visiting hospitals and hospices in the area.

We also run the King’s House School, Windsor which aims to provide a quality Christian education for children aged 3 to 11. The school was started in 2012 with just 8 pupils and currently has over 50 attending with capacity for 75 pupils.

We also have a local church location in Robertson, South Africa, and support dozens of initiatives around the world. These include activity in Burkina Faso, Colombia, France, Israel, Malawi, the Philippines, South Africa, and Sri Lanka.


Key info

Pastors Wes and Adriana Richards are the senior pastors of the church. They have a senior leadership team of 12 couples consisting of pastors and other senior leaders.

The senior leadership team are supported by a management board and board of trustees, following the principles found in Acts 6. King's Church International subscribes to a high standard of accountability and stewardship. The church is a registered charity, no. 1039958.

The church is audited by Saffery Champness. This is an independent UK top 20 firm of Chartered Accountants. The church is advised by Wilsons Solicitors LLP. Wilsons is one of the leading private client law firms in the country.

The church was founded in 1943 by Pastor Billy Richards. Learn more about the history of the church here.